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How Video KYC will help Banks and Financial institutions

What’s the first step that a customer has to take when he wants to avail any service from a Bank or a Financial institution? It is the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. KYC is a process where a financial institution verifies the identity and personal details of a potential customer. The RBI has made it mandatory for all companies to undertake KYC before offering any services to customers. While it has had a positive effect of reigning in unscrupulous activities like money laundering and fraud, it has its drawbacks too.

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Ensuring business continuity through V-CIP

With social distancing as the key preventive measure in the going global pandemic, expecting customers to come to the branches of RE’s, i.e. Banks, NBFCs, etc. seems out of the question. The biggest casualty of this situation would be the Know Your Customer (KYC) process which needs verification of documents and other aspects of a customers’ identity.

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Reintroduction of eSign based eMandates: What does it mean?

The NPCI (National Payment Corporation of India) has reintroduced eSign based electronic NACH (National Automated Clearing House) mandates. This latest update shared via a circular dated May 26, 2020, is bound to cheer Banks, Lenders and other institutions.

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A step by step guide for a Faster Customer Onboarding

According to a 2017 Forrester study covering 140 companies across the financial sector in the United States, 88% of the participants agree that the Onboarding experience has a strong influence on the lifetime value of customers.

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5 ways of Simplifying Digital KYC

Every Indian financial institute which comes under the purview of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is mandated to carry out a Customer Due Diligence procedure before onboarding an entity. The RBI has also issued clear guidelines in the form of Know Your Customer (KYC) norms.

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What Is Open Banking And How It Would Affect Banking In India

The legendary former president of the United States of America once referred to banks as the master of all the country’s progress and industry and rightly so. Today, there is not even a single reasonable individual out there who would disagree with the idea of banks being the epicenter of any country’s progress and development. It is almost impossible to realize true national progress and prosperity unless the focus is put entirely on the advancement and better facilitation towards the banks that run the national economy.

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5 things you must consider before you choose a V-CIP provider

RBI’s recent announcement allowed entities registered with it to use Video-based customer KYC (V-CIP)solution. That meant instead of sending agents to the customer’s address, now REs could verify the customer’s identity remotely via a recorded video call. RBI defined how V-CIP (video-based customer identification process) should be done, we have summarized the circular in our article here.

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